P. of Marketing

1. Define organizing and organization.

Basically, an organization in its simplest form (and not necessarily a legal entity, e.g., corporation or LLC) is a person or group of people intentionally organized to accomplish an overall, common goal or set of goals. Business organizations can range in size from one person to tens of thousands.

In this function it typically follows planning and reflects how the organization tries to accomplish its goals and objectives. In relation to the structure of a company, organizing involves the assignment of tasks, the grouping of tasks into departments and the allocation of resources to departments.

In words of According to Koontz and O’Donnell, organizing involves “the establishment of an intentional structure of roles by identifying and listing the activity required to the purpose of an enterprise , the grouping of these activities , the assignment of such groups of activities to a manager , the delegating of authority to carry them out, and provision for coordination of authority relationship horizontally and vertically in the organization structure.

 Organizing, therefore, means (i) identification & classification of the required activities, (ii) grouping activities necessary to attain objectives, (iii) authority to supervise it, and (iv) The provision of coordination horizontally and vertically in the organization structure.

Organizing also involves establishing the flow of authority and communication between position and levels within the organization. Top manager performs these activities. Likewise middle manager and supervisors organize the tasks to create positions within their departments. Job analysis and job design activities are organizing function.

An organization may be defined as the rational coordination of activities of a number of people for the achievement of some common explicit purpose or goal through division of labor and function, and through a hierarchy of authority and responsibility.
According to
Mooney and Railey
Organization is a system of cooperative activities of two or more persons.”

Chester Barnard
“Organization is the grouping of activities necessary to attain enterprise objectives and the assignment of each grouping to a manager with authority necessary to supervise it.”

Koontz and O’Donnell
“Organization is the arranging or combining of resources to achieve an economic betterment with the resources available to achieve the maximum result, or profit with the best least possible expenditure of resources.”

F.J. Wright
Organization thus is an arrangement for internal administration of the enterprise. Organizing is the process of determining the total activities to achieve a given object
2.Describe the principles of organization
§  Unity of Objectives-An organization structure is sound when it facilitates the accomplishment of objectives. Therefore, the organization as a whole and every part of it must be geared to the basic objectives of the enterprise.
§  Principle of Specialization: The organization structure should be formulated in such a way that the activities of the enterprise are divided according to the different functions and the same are assigned to persons according to their specialization.
§  Principle of span of control: The span of control should be minimum because there is a limit to the number of person that can be effectively supervised by one boss.
§  Principle of exception: Only exceptionally complex matter should be referred to the executives for their decision and matters of routine nature should be decided by the subordinates themselves.
§  The Scalar Principle: For making management effective, there should be a clear line of authority from top to bottom of the organization. Every subordinate should know who his superior is and who his subordinates are
§  The Principle of authority: Authority that is given to the manager enables him to accomplish the objectives of the enterprise. Hence, the authority of each manager should be clearly defined and also it should be equal to the responsibility entrusted to him.
§  Principle of Unity of command: each subordinate should have only one superior and dual subordination should be avoided. Dual subordination may result indiscipline in subordinates, undermining of authority, disorder, delay and confusion.
§  Principle of delegation: The organization structure should provide for the delegation of authority at every level. The authority delegated should be equal to responsibility so as to enable the concerned person to accomplish the task assigned to him by his superior.
§  Principle of Responsibility: The superior should not be allowed to avoid responsibility by delegating authority to his subordinates. It means that superior should be held responsible for the acts of his subordinates to whom he has delegated authority.
§  Principle of Flexibility: The organization structure should be such which should be adaptable to the changing circumstances.

§  Principle of Simplicity: The organization structure should be simple with a minimum number of levels. If the organization structure has a large number of levels, the problem of effective co-ordination and communication may arise.
§  Principle of continuity: The organization structure should be serviceable for a long time. This is possible if it is dynamic and capable of adapting itself to the needs of changing circumstances.
§  Principle of unity of direction: It means for a group of activities having the same objective, there should be one plan and one objective.
§  Principle of efficiency: The structure that is formulated should enable the business concern to function efficiently and achieve its objectives with minimum cost and effort.

Thus, we find that to develop a sound and efficient organization structure, certain principles are necessary. Every manager should have knowledge of these principles and apply
them efficiently

3. Discuss the steps in an organizing process.


Organizing is understood as a process involving the assembling of resources in a harmonious whole in order to achieve the desired goal.                                                 
According to L.A. Allen, “Organizing is such a process which for achieving goal identifies and classifies essential tasks, defines authority & responsibility & relates with mutual relationship of the employees.”
Steps in an organizing process:
Griffin has divided the elements of an organizing process in the following steps:
ü  Designing jobs
ü  Grouping jobs
ü  Establishing reporting relationship
ü  Distributing authority
ü  Coordinating activities.
Upon analyzing the two authors’ opinion, we get the following steps in an organizing process which are shown through a diagram & discussed below:

§  Identifying the work – The first step is to identify and detail all the work that must be done to achieve the organizational objectives. Each organization will achieve its objectives in a different way. Therefore, it must identify the tasks which must be performed for the purpose.
§  Division of Work –The need of setting up an organization will arise because the tasks to be accomplished by it cannot be performed by a single individual. The total workload of the organization is divided into various functions, sub-functions and further sub functions such that these may be logically and comfortably performed by one person or group of persons.
§  Grouping of Similar Activities – The next step is to group the similar activities and then place each group of them under the charge of specialist individual or a department.
§  Assignment of Duties –After grouping various activities into manageable units, suitable persons is selected to be assigned each group of activities. The assignment of duties should be appropriate, taking into consideration qualifications and experience, and also the physical capacity of the individual or group .
§  Delegation of Adequate Authority-Assignment of a group of activities to an individual is followed by delegation of appropriate authority to him to discharge his duties. persons work together for a common goal , it becomes necessary to define the relationship between them in clear terms. Each person should know who is his superior , from whom he has to take orders and to whom he will have to report. Similarly , each superior should know what authority he has over his subordinates. Individuals and groups within an organization carry out their specialized functions. Sometimes, this may result in conflict between them, which may adversely affect theachievement of organizational goals.
§  Providing proper physical facilities- It is another one of the most important duty of the organization to provide a required and best physical infrastructure like proper machine proper material best quality of methods and good plant layout and plant design.

4. Discuss the importance of organization.

Answer: Organization is a system of consciously co-ordinate activities or forces of two or more persons. It is harmonious adjustment of specialized parts for the accomplishment of some common purpose or purposes. No plan can be implemented and no goal can be achieved without organization.

Importance of Organization:
After proper and perfect planning, every human and non-human resource is organized in a perfect way. Organization is very important for the achievement of organizational goal. The importance of organization  is discussed below:
ü  Aid to Accomplishment of objective: In management organizational activities are divided among the employees employed in an organization according to the ability of each employee and the nature of function. To achieve the organizational goal, there must have the perfection of the work of employees. All the employees work hand and complete their own work properly & efficiently. Goal of that organization is achieved easily.
ü  Effective Utilization of Resources: Through the establishment of effective organization, effective utilization of all human and non-human resources is ensured. It divides all the activities among different persons and concurred department, ensure maximum utilization of resources and thus achieves organizational goal.
ü  Aid to Specialization: An effective organization is developed through the establishment of the principles of specialization and labor division. An effort is made by organization of fix particular job for particular employee. Work specialization enhances the efficiency of employees, reduces cost, and saves time and money and so on.
ü   Development of Co-operation:  Organization is the process of establishing relation and mutual Co-operation among the different employees and departments in an organization. According to terry & Franklin," Organizing promotes Collaboration and negotiation among individuals in a group and thus improves the effectiveness and efficiency of communications within the organization".
ü  Smooth Co-ordination: All activities of the organization is divided properly into particular work force. There is a perfect chain of commands. It creates smooth co-ordination among the individuals and departments.
ü   Easy Control: There is clear cut description in a good organization of the work, responsibility and authority of every department & sub-department and of the employees employed therein. So every employee has to work within their own boundary of work.
Direction and accountability is also fixed in a management organization. As a result, easy and effective control in an organization becomes possible.
In words of Terry & Franklin, “The organizing function creates clear-cut lines of authority and responsibility in an organization, thus improving the activating and controlling functions of the manager.”
ü  Development of Creativity: A strong organizing structure divides every taste properly to the employee by analyzing their capability and efficiency. So the employees try to show their talent for the expected job. Here the creativity of the employees is developed.

To conclude, an effective organization plays the most vital role in achieving organizational goal. Plans are never implemented if there is any fault in organizing function. Besides, it has direct influence on the effectiveness of direction. Once organization structure is established can't be changed easily. So the top level management always gives importance to the function of organization for the establishment of the organizational goal.
5. Discuss the Characteristics of an organization.

Organization is the establishing of effective behavioral relationships among persons so that they may work together efficiently and gain personal satisfaction in doing selected tasks under given environmental conditions for the purpose of achieving some goal or objectives. It is an important task of managerial process.

Proper utilization of factors of production is not possible without establishment of effective organization. To achieve organizational goal, importance of an ideal organization is crying need. An ideal organization should feature with following characteristics.
ü Objects Oriented: The first and prime principle of an organization is that it should be object oriented so it contributes to achieve the organization's goal. In an ideal organization, to achieve its goal, the task of work specialization, authority and responsibility the establishment of mutual rogation is brought under consideration.
ü Easy Understanding: Another feature of an ideal organization is that it should be easily understood as per as possible to the each and every person concurred with organization. An organization chart should be so designed that act the persons in and out of the organization get a clear concept about different designations of employees from top to low level management, mutual relation, chair of command etc. An ideal organization must cruse all the things that a organization chart should design. On the other hand, complex organizational structure leads to error in all managerial function.
ü Proper division of work: Functions of an ideal organization should be so arranged that it creates the opportunity of word specialization Keith & devils says, "Specialization is the process of becoming adept at a certain function as a result of concentrating effort upon it.”An ideal organization crasser works specialization with great importance.
ü Well- defined responsibility & authority: Responsibility and authority in an ideal organization should be well defined. The greater the organization, the more complex is the task of the organization. It authority and responsibility is not well defined, it should create work complexity in the organization and in consequence frustrates in achieving the organizational goal.
ü Well- balancing: An ideal organization must be well balanced. Each department should be co-operative to one another. Work should be distributed among the employees of different department according to the ability and principle of equity should be ensured. Besides, centralization and decentralization in an organization should be balanced.
ü Unity of Command: One subordinate should have ore and only ore boss. An ideal organization should ensure that a particular subordinate shall receive of order from a particularly boss only so that there exist the verity of command.
ü Loyalty & Discipline: Loyalty and discipline always exists in an ideal organization. Each individual can perform his own function since authority and responsibility is fixed. No one can deceive his job. Accountability is ensured easily. There arises on chance of disorder in the work field. Subordinate is bound to obey the order of his boss. So there is no chance of disobedience.
ü Easy Communication and Co-ordination: An ideal organization ensures spontaneous co-ordination among the functions of employees and different department side by side of easy communication. Communication between subordinate and boss is simple and direct in an ideal organization.
ü Optimum span of Supervision: Optimum spun of supervision of all level of executives is another important beater of an ideal organization. In such an organization, executive's time, ability, nature of job and the work standard of the employees are brought under consideration so that optimum span of supervision can be determined and it becomes possible for the executives to execute and lead the subordinate efficiently.
ü Flexibility: Flexibility is an essential feature of an ideal organization. A business organization has to adapt with the technological change, in order to survive itself in the competitive market. So for the development of business, feasibility is very important for any organization. It there is the swipe of flexibility. Organizing gives a fruitful result.

6. What do you mean by delegation of authority?

Delegation is the Process by which managers assign a portion of their total workload to others. The primary reason for delegation is to enable the manager to get more work done. Subordinates help case the manager's burden by doing major portion of the organization's work.
Delegation of Authority:
Delegation is the assignment of authority to another person to carry out specific duties. It allows an employee to make decisions.
According to Terry & Franklin, “Delegation means conferring authority from one manager or organization unit to another in order to accomplish particular assignment. "
According to Trewatha & Newport," In a managerial context, delegation is defined as a sharing process where a superior entrusts certain authority to others. "
Authority is delegated when discretion is vested in a subordinate by superior. The delegation process as prescribed by Griffin in Volvos following three steps:
These three steps do not occur mechanically, however indeed, when a manager and a subordinate have developed a good working relationship, the major parts of the process may be implied rather than stated. Delegation of authority is very important task for effective management. From the above discussion we can conclude by adding the following features of effective delegation.
ü  Clarify the assignment to whom and what is to be delegated.
ü  Specify the employees renege of discretion.
ü  Allow the employee to participate.
ü  Inform other that delegation has occurred.
ü  Establish feedback chancels.

7. What is meant by centralization and decentralization?

 In some organizations, top managers make all the decision and tower level managers and employees simply carry out their orders. Centralization describes  the degree to which decision making is concentrated at a single point in the organization.
Definition of Centralization:
Centralization is the systematic and consistent reservation of authority at central points within the organization.
Griffin, “Centralization is the process of systematically relating power and authority in the hands of higher level managers. "
Bovee & others, “Centralization is the extent to which authority remains concentrated at the top management level."
weihrich & koontz, “Centralization as an aspect of management is the tendency to restrict delegation of decision making. A high degree of authority is held at or near the top by managers in the organizational hierarchy. "
Centralization refers to withholding of delegating authority or decision making.

Definition of Decentralization:  
Decentralization is a fundamental aspect of delegations: to the extent that authority is not delegated, it is centralized, some amount of decentralization. Decentralization is the process of systematically delegating power and authority throughout the organizations to middle and lower level managers.
According to H. Fayol, “Everything that goes to increase the importance of the subordinate’s role is decentralization.”
According to R.M Hodgetts, “Decentralization is the a philosophy of management regarding which decisions to a philosophy of management regarding which decisions to send down the line and which to keep near the top for purposes of organizational control. "
According to Weihrch & Koonz, “Decentralization is the tendency to disperse decision making authority in an organized structure.”
The following diagram indicates the tendencies towards decentralization from complete centralization to complete decentralization.                                        
To sum up, decentralization reflects a philosophy of organization & management.

8. Differentiate between centralization & decentralization.

Centralization refers to withholding of delegating authority or decision making whereas decentralization reflects a philosophy of organization and management.

Differences between centralization & Decentralization: The followings are few differences between centralization & decentralization:

Points of Differences
Centralization is the process of systematically retaining power and authority in the hands of higher level managers. 
Decentralization is the process of systematically delegating power and authority throughout the organization to middle & lower- level managers.
All decisions and initiatives come from top level management only. So, there is no chance of disorder.

Some decisions come from
Top level and some from department level. So there is the chance of arising disorder.

Subordinates are always to e loyal to their boss.
Subordinates get authority
And right of decision making.
So they need not to be loyal to their boss.
Facing Urgent Problem
Urgent problem is easy to face by taking decision quickly.
Urgent problem is difficult to full and decision making is time consuming.

Coordination is easy since top level managers design managerial functions to be performed by subordinates & different departments.  
Decision making & planning in many cases at the hard of individual and department.
So, co-ordination is difficult among them.
Top level ménages are the only controlling authority.
Partial controlling may be at the hand of subordinate.
Work-load of top excessive

Whole burden of Planning organizing, controlling lies on top level only.
It relives top management of some burden of decision making.
Authority and responsibility
Frustrates the assumption of authority & responsibility.
Encourages assumption of authority and responsibility.
Influence on subordinates morale
There is negative effect on subordinate's morale.
There is positive effect on subordinates’ morale.
Qualities of executives
All top level executives are to be qualified enough since all authority & power at their hands only.
Executives in the department level are to be qualified enough.
Scope of autocracy
Top level executives may be autocrat to the subordinate.
Subordinates hardly become the victim of autocracy.
Scope of Expansion
Work expansion is difficult since top level executives become over-loaded.
Work expansion is easy since work burden is laded to subordinates & authority is delegated.
Suitable for small scat organization
Suitable for large- scale organization
Delegation of authority
Authority is not delegated
Authority is always delegated.
Product Diversification
Limited product diversification is possible
Facilitates product diversification greatly.

9. Describe the advantages of departmentation.
The important task of organizing process is to be divided by its nature. At present the success of large worthy organization depends on effective departmentation. The advantages of departmentation in different cases are as following.
ü Specification of responsibility: Due to the departmentation of all the task of an organization is to be divided in small size by its nature. As a result it is to execute the duty and responsibility each and every department of an organization.
ü Aid to delegation of authority: Departmentation is not only specifying the responsibility but also tender the duty. In according to specify the top level departmentation the duty is submitted on prescribed executive.
ü Establishing discipline: In case of maintaining the discipline in the organization departmentation plays a grand task. By hollow of effective departmentation the discipline is maintained up top level to low level.    
ü Increasing efficiency: By effective departmentation the prospect is to be created. In such cases the same type of task is to be done. The efficiency is achieved in the workplace by the execution of often in manpower related department.
ü Establishing effective control: Departmentation plays a vital role to establish effective control in the organization. To achieve the goal of an organization each and every department is intriguing harmonizing works planning.
ü Proper use of production factors: The success of an organization and the maximum utilization of concerning elements are depended on it. By the departmentation of all the factors are segregated individually and determined all the responsibility of an organization. Therefore the better use of production factors is to be sure.
ü Creating facilities of work expansion: Departmentation creates working opportunity of an organization. Directing working process is not possible for single enterprises but it is also possible to easily control by the consequences of departmentation.
At the end of the discussion we can say that the limitation on the number of subordinates that can be directly managed would restrict the size of enterprises if it were not for the device of departmentation.
10. Describe the various basis or methods of departmentation.


Departmentation is a process resulting out of choice to group tasks according to some criterion. The resultant process of departmentation includes decisions regarding segregating organizational work, allocation of work to persons, telling all involved who is in charge and provide for the support needed by those. Many scholars of management has shown that the basis or methods of departmentation. By analysis those methods there are some common basis or methods which are seen in the organization are as follows.
ü  Departmentation by numbers: Perhaps this is the simplest way to create groups or units within the organization, if we assume that all the individuals available possess same skills, abilities and other required qualifications. If so, and if the manager has a fair idea of how many people might be required to carry out the task, the grouping by size is ready.
ü   Departmentation by time of duty: Generally this basis is chosen when the operation or organizational activity is required to be carried on round the clock. The staff which is divided as per the time or shift basis might possess a set of different skills and abilities.
ü   Departmentation by function: This widely used method of departmentation is found in almost all organizations at some level and to some degrees. Groups are created such that within a group, people perform same function or activity. When work is divided like this, we have different groups performing different activities.
ü   Departmentation by Process or Equipment: This basis of departmentation is sometimes required by the technology itself as part of the production activity, where the transformation of raw material into finished goods is achieved through performance of various processes. Example is the Electronic Data Processing unit in small a organization.
ü   Departmentation by Location or territory: If an organization's activities are scattered and if the differences across locations are significant in terms of customer preferences, it makes sense to use departmentation by territory or location. This method of departmentation is observed in the sales and service departments of many organizations.
ü   Departmentation by Product: as the name suggests, the grouping of activities is by the product, which evolves mainly in organizations that have grown into multi-product set-up. The head of the organization might be supported by product managers, in turn who might be supported by various functional sub-departments dedicated to specific product. On a large scale, these product managers become heads of divisions run like separate companies.
ü   Departmentation by Customer: One more method to pay close attention to the needs of the customer is to create departments by customer types. We have within banks this type of departments - retail banking for retail customers, corporate banking for business clients, so on. The purchase process, payment methods etc, might be different for these departments.
ü   Departmentation by Market or Distribution Channel: Companies who want to ensure that their product reaches the intended customers through multiple channels so that the customers can consider this type of departmentation. If so, once again you might wonder if the commonly needed service functions would be provided separately for each department.
11. What is meant by committee? Under what circumstances the use of committee can be effective.
One of the most ubiquitous and controversial devices of organization is the committee. A committee is group of a person to whom, as a group, some matter is committed. It is the characteristics of group of action that sets the committee apart from other organization devices. Committees are the fact of organizational life. It is also called board, commission, council, taskforce etc.
According to Prof. Newman,   “A committee consists of a group of people specifically designated to perform some administrative act. It functions only as group and requires the free interchange of ideas among its members.”
According to G. R. Terry, “Committee can be defined on an organized basis for the discussion and dealing of matters brought before it.”
So we can say committee is a group of people who executed some specific works and they are appointed by the top level directors.
Circumstances that can be effective in case of committee:
At present Committee is well recognized management job.  Only for the set up committee in certain sectors then committee is to be effective. The circumstances the uses of committee in certain cases are to be effect has given below:
ü Need for wide and divergent information: In organization there are many sectors where different types of information are to be needed. In these cases the assessment of one person may be deficient. To find superior outcome in thus circumstances committee can be effective.
ü Need for group decision: In large worthy organization there are many issues that concern in taking resolution. By taking decision in thus circumstances it is needed to be group discussion and committee can be effective in this gear.
ü   Decision making for more important matter: There are many decision has been taken in organization but some decision are very important and significant. In thus cases the individual decision may be wrong or not apt for desired situation. So in large worthy organization, planning committee, government grant commission the important resolution taken by the help of committee.
ü   Taking expert opinion: The latest technology is dramatically used in an organization that’s why line authority getting reduces.  The decision cannot be taken without help of the specialist person in favor of executive because of specialization and development becoming same. For such purposes to form a committee having with specialist and it is effective.
ü   Decision making for risky matters: There are some possessions in an organization which is considered risky matters for making single decision. To take prudent decision in such cases committee is considered just the thing.
ü   Necessity of coordination: In which organization coordination is needed in different department, committee is required in such cases to obtain superior upshot.  Each and every department executes the plan its own self and committee can coordinate of these entire department.
ü   Creating mutual understanding: Mutual understanding and positive relationship is very much needed to execute the organizational decision between top level management and lower level management. In the time of forming committee if top and lower level personnel are to be involved then it will confer better outcome and it is possible in that cases.
ü   Killing of time: In certain cases no decision can be taken immediately. However without taking decision don’t allay the situation is unworkable.  In this time by forming committee helps to take far-sighted decision within minimum instance.
Above these circumstances the committee can be effective. But the most basic advice that can be given is never. To establish a committee unless the advantages of group action appear clearly outweigh those of assigning the task to a single individual. 
12. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of committee.
Committees are widely used even in authoritarian organizations. Day by day the importance of committee is increasing. So that it is the fact of organizational life. The advantages of committee are as following:
ü Group deliberation and judgment:  It should be interfered that group judgment can be obtained only through the use of committee. Committees may help the clarification of problems and development of new ideas. Indeed, at times group deliberation may be superior to individual judgment.
ü  Fear of too much authority in a single person: A committee may be established to make recommendations on a problem largely because the department head does not wish to take full responsibility for making decision. Capital investment is developed by committees, partly because of unwillingness to give a single individual complete authority to make such important decision.
ü  Avoidance of personal liabilities and undesirable problems:  It cannot be denied that committees are sometimes appointed by manages when they want to avoid action. One of the surest ways to delay the handling of a problem and even to postpone a decision indefinitely is to appoint a committee to study the matter.
ü  Representation of interested groups: Representation plays a part in the establishment and staffing of committees in business. Boards of directors are often selected on the basis of groups interested in the company on the basis of groups in which the company has an interest. Managers and specialist choose committee members in such a way as to give these interested parties representation.
ü  Coordination of departments, plans and policies: There is general agreement that committees are very useful for coordinating activities among various organizational units. They are also useful for coordinating plans and policies as well as their implementation.
ü  Transmission and sharing of information: All group members affected by a mutual problem or project can learn about it simultaneously, decision and instructions can be received uniformly with opportunities for clarification. The spoken word may clarify a point better than even carefully written memorandums.
ü  Consolidation of authority: The informal use of committees gives much flexibility to an organization. However, consolidating splintered authority through a committee should be watched carefully. It should be determined in order to concentrate the one position the appropriate authority to make recurring decision.
ü  Motivation through participation: Committees permit wide participation in decision making. Persons who take part in planning a program or making a decision usually feel more enthusiastic about accepting and executing it. Even limited participation can be helpful.

Besides the advantages of committees there are also disadvantages of doing so. Committees are costly, they may result in comprises at the least common denominator; they may lead to indecision and so on. The disadvantages are as following.
ü  High cost in time and money: Committee action can be very costly in terms of time. A committee may require members to travel some distance to reach a meeting. If the committee supposed to reach a unanimous decision, the decision is likely to be lengthy. The monetary cost of committee discussion can also be very high.
ü  Compromise at least common denominator: There is the danger of comprising at the level of the least common denominator of agreement. Since committee members are often selected from organization equals, reluctance to force a conclusion on a minority view is understandable.
ü  Indecision: The discussion of peripheral or tangential subjects takes up valuable time and often results in adjournment without action. Committee meetings are often characterized by both an official and a hidden agenda. It is not unusual for these motives to prevent the committee from reaching agreement on the official topic of discussion.
ü  Tendency to be self-destructive: One person in a group emerges as the leader. But when an individual becomes dominant, the nature of the committee is a decision making group of equal changes. It appears is an executive with a group of followers.
ü  Splitting of responsibility: The authority is dispersed throughout the group. Individual members hardly feel the same degree of responsibility that they would if they personally were changed with the same work. This splitting of responsibility is one of the chief advantages of a committee.
ü  Tyranny by a few persons: Committees tend to seek unanimous or nearly unanimous conclusions or decisions. A few members who may represent a minority view are thus in a strong position to impose their will on the majority of members. By resolve on acceptance of their position or of a comprise position, they may exercise an unwarranted tyranny over the majority.
ü  Danger of decentralization: The committees have to decentralize although sometimes it has to create a problem. Taking decision by committee is an ethical accountability but the lower level personnel create a committee to support the favorable decision. Otherwise they cannot assist the executives. If a problem can be solved by a single executive or a staff member, the committees should not be appointed.
ü  Expression of secrecy: When a single person takes a decision before its flashing no one knowing it. Taking decision by committee may be exposed when discuss about it. If the decision of committee cannot be taken then the execution of the decision may be hindering.

So a committee serves neither as a suitable for a good manger nor as a device does that correct poor organization. Committees have legitimate functions in organization; the challenge is to use them properly.