Official Statistics in
Official Statistics of Bangladesh are Statistics produced by government agencies to meet the statistical information required for policy-makers in formulating economic and social policies and programs in addressing the socio-economic development and welfare of the nation as well as the international agencies. Official statistics is the key source of information for planning and policy making in almost all the countries of the world. The main sources of official statistics are the national censuses and representative sample surveys. Some administrative data sources are also used to generate official statistics. The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), the national statistical office, is entrusted with the key responsibility of generating official statistics of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) provides official statistics under the policy guidance of the Ministry of Planning through Planning Division and participate various inter-ministerial and inter-agency committees.
The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics collects compiles and disseminates various statistics on regular basis such as agricultural production, industrial production, price index, demographic indicators, foreign trade, labour force statistics etc. BBS is also responsible for conducting three national censuses namely Population and Housing, Agriculture and Nonagricultural economic activities. It also conducts a series of sample surveys in the areas of Household Income and Expenditure, Agriculture, Demography and Health, Labour Force, Child and Mother Nutrition, Vital Statistics, Situation of Children and Women, Enterprise and Institutions, Manufacturing and Cottage Industries, Distributive Trade, Hotel and Restaurant and many others.
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) also produces and disseminates the estimate of country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by industrial origin at current and constant prices on an annual basis. Along with GDP by production method, BBS also estimate expenditure based GDP. In addition, BBS compiles and disseminates data on Gross National Income (GNI), Savings and Investment. All these information are used by the planners, policy makers, researchers, academicians, development partners, NGOs for preparing appropriate policy measures in the relevant areas. Like most of the national statistical offices (NSOs) in developing countries, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) has been experiencing some drawbacks that should be addressed for enhancing sustainable institutional capacity and service quality of the BBS. One common drawback of the BBS is the use of traditional methods in data collection, supervision and data dissemination which takes a lot of time to edit, capture and disseminate data of national censuses and surveys. Due to time lag in data collection and data dissemination the usefulness and importance of data become redundant and national programs and policies suffers from lack of timely data. In the recent years BBS is endeavoring to improve its position with respect to statistical methods using innovative technique in data collection and management and also in data dissemination. For streamlining these issues, the governance issues are also crucial because without proper administrative measures the improvement and innovation in the area of data collection and dissemination is not possible. In the present paper the innovative techniques adopted in the context of Bangladesh in the recent years in respect of governance, data collection and management and dissemination has been highlighted.
Sources of Official Statistics in Bangladesh
The main source of Statistical data in Bangladesh is collected & Published by the government organization. There are also other organization who are also survey & collect and Published Statistical data. The sources of statistical data of Bangladesh are given below-

1. Bangladesh Bureau of statistics:
It is one of the main statistical sources of Statistical data. It is the largest statistical organization of Bangladesh. The main publications of this organization-
• Statistical year book of Bangladesh
• Statistics abstract for Bangladesh
• Statistics digest of Bangladesh
• Weekly information service
• Economic indication for Bangladesh.
2. Ministry of agriculture
The main publications of this organization-
• Agricultural statistics
• Annual season & crop report
3. Bangladesh Bank
The main publications of this organization-
• Bangladesh Bank Bulletin
• Scheduled Bank statistics
• Report on Survey and Finance
• Balance of Payments
4. National Bank and Specialized Financial Institution
5. Ministry of Finance
The main publications of this organization-
• Economical Survey
• Bangladesh government
• Economic statistics
• Flow of External Resources into Bangladesh
6. Bangladesh Railway
The main publications of this organization-
• Bangladesh Railway
• Coaching and goods result
• Bangladesh Railway year book
7. Ministry of Planning
8. Ministry of industry
9. Ministry of Home affaires
10. Ministry of Commerce
11. Ministry of Establishment
12. Ministry of Defense
13. Ministry of Education
14. Ministry of Jute
15. Ministry of local Government, Rural Development & Co-operation
16. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
17. Ministry of Health and Family welfare
18. Ministry of Labor and Manpower
19. Ministry of Textile
20. Ministry of Civil Aviation & Tourism
21. Ministry of Fish & Livestock
22. Ministry of Food

1. Universities
2. Commercial Bank and Insurance
3. International Organization
4. Various Private Organizations
5. Other Sources
Characteristics of Official Statistics in Bangladesh
1. All the statistical data collect for the regular activities of the publisher (organizations).
2. Most of the statistical data are collected from the government source.
3. Private organization’s statistical data are based on the government statistical data.
4. Though most of the statistical data are collated by the government organizations, the Bangladesh official statistical data is not enough dependable & adequate.
Limitation of Official Statistics in Bangladesh
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) has been experiencing following constraints that should be addressed for enhancing sustainable institutional capacity and service quality of the BBS. The problem may be categorized as follows:
1. Lack of statistical legislation:
There is no general statistical law which governs the activities of the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics. The statistical activities of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics are currently supported by two out-dated pieces of legislation, namely; (i) the Census Order,1972, adopted from census acts of earlier years, which authorizes the Director General of BBS to plan, supervise and conduct censuses throughout the country; and (ii) the Industrial Statistical act,1942, which enables collection of industrial statistics without adequate concern for confidentiality of data and building trust among the data producers and data compiler. Statistical reporting is not ensured through legal mandate. In fact, data collection is based on voluntary responses. In order to streamline and rationalize statistical activities and specifically empower the BBS to perform its data collecting
functions ensuring confidentiality of data and build rapport with private and corporate data provider, it is very much desirable to enact a general or an Umbrella Statistical Act in modern lines.
2. Weak Statistical System at Local level:
BBS have 509 Upazilla Statistical offices located at Upazilla head quarter and 23 Regional Statistical offices located at 23 District head quarter (out of 64 districts). All these offices are very much deficient in adequate/trained manpower, computing equipment, computer-aided data collection system, storage, and retrieval and dissemination system. BBS has no offices at district (41districts) and divisional level. To strengthen the local statistical system as asource of local statistics, establishment of statistical offices at district and divisional level (to supervise and coordinate the work of district statistical offices) is very much urgent. Besides, the staff members of the statistical 5 offices at local level should be trained through expanding statistical raining courses and programmes. Moreover, local statistical offices (at least district statistical offices) to be equipped with computer and computer aided datacollection system should be developed.
3. Inadequate Human Resource Management and development :
Trained and skilled manpower is inevitable for producing reliable and quality statistical data. In BBS trained and skilled manpower is not adequate. Relevant statistical training programmes to be conducted for upgrading the capabilities of the of the BBS personnel.
4. Inadequate support to professionalism:
Aptitude and /or expertise in statistics (for example sampling techniques or subject matter area) carry a little or no weight in the process of recruitment/ promotion. The recruitment procedure has a little scope to test the applicant’s aptitude or expertise in statistics. Promotion is based only on the seniority measured by the length of service period. Capability/ expertise etc are not given due weight for promotion. Staff members are generally engaged in data collection and compilation. Generally, the staff members of BBS are not
normally encouraged or privileged to do research work or analysis data. No standing committee/ working group are there who can review the publication professionally and suggest improvements to maintain the BBS’ reputation for professionalism.
5. Absence of policy guidance body:
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) yet has no any apex body to work independently for formulating policy 6guidelines under the broader framework of the country planning and overall government policy. A powerful and independent policy guidance body is very much necessary to advise BBS about formulating an effective statistical policy and implementing the same in an efficient manner.
6. Absence of Statistical Training and Research Institute:
BangladeshBureau of Statistics (BBS) has no any training institute to upgrade the quality of statistical personnel and expand the statistical manpower to support the needs of the statistical system of Bangladesh. In fact, no explicit body is there to oversee the development of national statistical programme and priorities.
7. Statistical development is not priorities in the national Agenda:
Like many other developing countries, statistical development is not given due weight in the national agenda.
8. Inadequate budgetary provision:
The present budget allocation is not adequate for implementing the statistical activities smoothly.
9. Computer equipment is not commensurate with the statistical activities:
Computing resources are not adequate. Computing resources exist for staff at officer’s level only. Many of the supporting staff don’t have personal computer (PC). The number of PC is significantly below the number required for performing the tasks.
10. Time lag exists:
Long lag exist between the completion of the survey/ census and the final release of data.
11. Absence of Data Producers’ and Users’ Forum:
BBS don’t have any structural and periodic process of consultation with user’s advisory
Publishing Agenccies of Official Statistics in Bangladesh
National and international statistical agencies publish large qualities of often unrelated summary statistics based on statistical surveys. While the volume of data is vast, depending on the organization and the subjects of the surveys, the scale of the publishing effort may be large or small. Moreover, as the target market for the data can be quite varied, a statistical rather than a business-based presentation paradigm is more appropriate.
A) Domestic Publishing Agency
· Government Organization
ü Bangladesh Bureau of statistics
ü National Bank & other Financial Institution
ü Various ministry of Bangladesh
ü Bangladesh Railway etc.
· Newspaper agencies
Various Newspaper agencies does survey, collect & published Statistical data in their various articles. They use their agent or field worker to collect data from various sector of the country.
· Private & other organization
ü Private Bank & Financial institution
ü Various N.G.O. organizations (BRAC, Proshica, etc.)
ü University
· Bangladesh Statistical Association
Bangladesh statistical association also publishes various statistical data on their meeting, yearly magazine etc.
B) International Publishing Agency
The international agencies also publish various statistical data. They are-
ü Agencies of various country
ü International newspaper
ü Various statistical Websites in internet
Contents of Statistical Publication
ü Introduction
ü Main points
ü Vision & mission
ü Commentary
ü Number of Staff
ü Data collection method
ü Data collection area
ü Ethnicity and Disability
ü Alteration Notices and Prosecutions
ü Appendix of tables
ü Notes on statistics used in bulletin
ü Background
ü Accuracy of Statistics
ü Glossary of terms
Statistical Publications
• Statistical year book of Bangladesh (Yearly)
• Statistics abstract for Bangladesh (Yearly)
• Statistics digest of Bangladesh (Yearly)
• Monthly Bulletin statistics (Yearly)
• Weekly information service
• Economic indication for Bangladesh. (Quarterly)
• Agricultural statistics (Yearly)
• Annual season & crop report
• Bangladesh Bank Bulletin (Monthly)
• Scheduled Bank statistics (Monthly)
• Report on Survey and Finance (Yearly)
• Balance of Payments (Quarterly)
• Economical Survey (Yearly)
• Bangladesh government (Yearly)
• Economic statistics (Monthly)
• Flow of External Resources into Bangladesh (Yearly)
• Bangladesh Railway (Yearly)
• Coaching and goods result
• Bangladesh Railway year book
• Other various Magazine, Journal, Annual report etc.
Uses of Statistical Publications
· For National Planning & Evaluation
· For determining Organization Policy
· For Social Research
· For Trade & Commerce
· For State Administration
· For Economic Research
· For making State Law
· For retain past Knowledge & Experience
· For Human Welfare
· For Individual & Organisation purpose
· Other discipline in science
Accuracy & Reliability of Statistical Publications
Accurate statistics is the base for planning, be it for the government, the private sector or the individual. Flawed statistics influence decision-making -- including vital ones involving expenditure and investment --leading to undesirable outcome. Therefore, it is supremely important to ensure the
Accuracy and reliability of statistics.
For example, let us take the case of the official population control programme. The spending and devising of strategies for the same will depend on obtaining very correct statistics from the fields such as the fertility rate of couples, their acceptance rate of the planned parenthood concept and contraceptive use, the availability of infrastructures to help with family planning requirements, etc. Only if the statistical details about these phenomena are properly established, then policy planners can be in a position to increase or decrease allocations for different areas under the population control programmes or revise the thrust areas or strategies substantially by relying on the statistical information. The revisions or amendments are also likely to be effective from such reevaluation on the basis of objective data. But the outcome can be otherwise cause serious lapses or failures if programmes are designed on the basis of doubtful or insufficient statistics.
Take, for instance, another example of a company in the private sector wishing to start a new business. It must be able to rely on its own market studies about the demand for the product it wishers to introduce, the position or market shares of competitors in the field, etc., to be able to successfully launch its product. The entrepreneur not only relies for the information at the pre-launch stage from his own investigation but also from official data sources if the same are available.
Hence the imperative that data generated from its own source and that from government department should be precise and reflect the reality. If this does not happen and the investment decision is taken on the basis of inaccurate data, then loss for the business would be a certainty.
Again, another example could be the importation of food grains. The same must be based on very correct estimates of food grains production in the country, the amount of shortfall compared to demand and the associated factors.
If statistical information about these things cannot be flawlessly obtained, then wastages can occur from importing more than what is necessary, causing drain of precious foreign currency.
Thus, whatever the field, the importance of collating dependable statistics, cannot be ignored in the least for the sake of optimum economic performance. But statistical accuracy continues to be a fault-ridden exercise in Bangladesh. The central official body for collecting statistics, the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) prepares statistical information for use by the government in different spheres. But the same are then found to be in conflict with data gathered by other government agencies or private organisations. This discrepancy painfully shows up the general problem of depending on statistical information and the hazards involved in responding on the strength of such information.
Clearly therefore, the entire procedures for preparations or collection of statistics at the level of the government, the private sector and other institutions, need to become more efficient and uniformly reliable. The skills to be improved should encompass not only upgrading of individual competence. It must essentially also include areas such as creating wider samples or data-bases where these would be seen to be rightly justified for proper data collection and dissemination.
For example, let us take the case of the official population control programme. The spending and devising of strategies for the same will depend on obtaining very correct statistics from the fields such as the fertility rate of couples, their acceptance rate of the planned parenthood concept and contraceptive use, the availability of infrastructures to help with family planning requirements, etc. Only if the statistical details about these phenomena are properly established, then policy planners can be in a position to increase or decrease allocations for different areas under the population control programmes or revise the thrust areas or strategies substantially by relying on the statistical information. The revisions or amendments are also likely to be effective from such reevaluation on the basis of objective data. But the outcome can be otherwise cause serious lapses or failures if programmes are designed on the basis of doubtful or insufficient statistics.
Take, for instance, another example of a company in the private sector wishing to start a new business. It must be able to rely on its own market studies about the demand for the product it wishers to introduce, the position or market shares of competitors in the field, etc., to be able to successfully launch its product. The entrepreneur not only relies for the information at the pre-launch stage from his own investigation but also from official data sources if the same are available.
Hence the imperative that data generated from its own source and that from government department should be precise and reflect the reality. If this does not happen and the investment decision is taken on the basis of inaccurate data, then loss for the business would be a certainty.
Again, another example could be the importation of food grains. The same must be based on very correct estimates of food grains production in the country, the amount of shortfall compared to demand and the associated factors.
If statistical information about these things cannot be flawlessly obtained, then wastages can occur from importing more than what is necessary, causing drain of precious foreign currency.
Thus, whatever the field, the importance of collating dependable statistics, cannot be ignored in the least for the sake of optimum economic performance. But statistical accuracy continues to be a fault-ridden exercise in Bangladesh. The central official body for collecting statistics, the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) prepares statistical information for use by the government in different spheres. But the same are then found to be in conflict with data gathered by other government agencies or private organisations. This discrepancy painfully shows up the general problem of depending on statistical information and the hazards involved in responding on the strength of such information.
Clearly therefore, the entire procedures for preparations or collection of statistics at the level of the government, the private sector and other institutions, need to become more efficient and uniformly reliable. The skills to be improved should encompass not only upgrading of individual competence. It must essentially also include areas such as creating wider samples or data-bases where these would be seen to be rightly justified for proper data collection and dissemination.
The innovation in governance, data collection and dissemination are a continuous process. NSOs should pursue the innovation in governance, data collection and dissemination all the time to cater the need of the users. In the context of Bangladesh, BBS is always in favour of innovation. The innovative measures described above have brought momentum in the activities of BBS. This initiative will continue in future and BBS will adopt more innovative techniques to bring radical change in its activities to meet the data needs of the users instantly.